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Alex & Pierre VanStonehaus RealtyPierre: 778-999-9087 | Alex: 604-561-0099

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Alex Van 文雅婷

Alex came into her real estate career with 15 years of professional experience in community and family services, bringing with her a strong intuition in client care and interpersonal relationships. Her work experience abroad and in the tourism industry has not only lent her a global mindset in serving diverse demographics but also a multilingual proficiency in English, Cantonese and Spanish.

Born in Vancouver and raised on the North Shore, Alex has a deeply rooted appreciation and understanding of the vibrant, multifaceted communities that make up the Lower Mainland.

Alex’s warm and engaging demeanour as well as her commitment to providing services that exceed expectations make her clients feel completely taken care of throughout their property sale and purchase process. She is proud to act as an advocate for her clients in navigating the intricacies of the real estate market in a rapidly changing Vancouver.

m.604.561.0099| o.604-986-9321

Pierre Van 文樹樺

Born and raised in Vietnam before immigrating to Vancouver, Pierre brings with him a unique, cross-cultural perspective and ability to deliver his services to clients in Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese and English.

His career prior to real estate includes a strong 22-year background in management as well as corporate purchasing and sales, which has honed excellence in negotiation and communication skills. His 20-year experience as a real estate investor has also contributed to his intimate knowledge of the Greater Vancouver market.

Pierre’s vision of being a full-service hub for his clients has led him to build a solid team of professionals offering a full range of services including financing, legal advice, home inspections, and quality home renovations. His client testimonials have attested time and time again to his expert guidance of clients from start to finish in a seamless and stress-free process.

As a top-tier realtor, Pierre’s sales volume and excellence in service has been recognized by his brokerage for 5 consecutive years. He is the recipient of the Sutton Platinum, Pinnacle and Diamond awards and has also been recognized by MLA Canada with a MAC Golden Cube award.

無論你是否第一次購買房屋或出售你的物業, 買或賣你的產業是一項重大的決策.雖然這項決策不至於是繁復的科學公程式, 但作為你的地產顧問需要對你的現況和立場有足夠的了解, 亦同時具有市場動態的分析能力, 解答你在買賣過程中的問題. 由2000年成為地產投資者的我, 不謹對地產市場有心得, 更在個人經驗方面累積了多年作為買方或賣方的心得. 憑我過去廿二年在企業界的採購和銷售管理經驗, 磨練了一份良好的溝通和談判技巧, 再加上我的文化背景, 讓我能為客戶提供廣東話, 越南語, 普通話和英語服務. 我相信憑我所具有的技能和經驗, 一定能為你解答一切關於置業安居或地產投資的問題. 我相信若能拫據我客戶個人獨特性的需求,來為他們提供一個好的營銷或採購策略, 安排一隊支持這過程的全面性專業服務團隊, 從銀行信貸; 法律咨詢; 房屋安全檢核; 優質家居或商務裝修, 搬遷服務等. 務求確保我的客戶能夠在毫無壓力之下, 從容地處理或應付, 甚至乎享受整個營銷或採購過程.

m.778.999.9087 | o.604.986.9321




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